Rain Rot

Rain Rot

Rain Rot

Rain Rot is a bacterial skin disease that causes hair loss and can leave patches of raw skin. It typically looks like small raised or matted tufts of hair that can be warm and sensitive to touch, most commonly found on the head, neck, withers, and hindquarters. Rain Rot can be spread from horse to horse by contaminated equipment or insects but is easy to treat and cure. Veterinarians typically prescribe medicated shampoo and possibly antibiotics.

To help prevent your horse from developing Rain Rot:

1. Use clean brushes, blankets, and saddle pads.

2. Avoid sharing brushes and equipment with other barn mates.

3. Groom frequently to check your horse for signs of Rain Rot.

4. Reduce exposure to moist environments and biting insects.

After the infection is gone, hair can start to regrow in 7 to 10 days.

Here are a couple of additional websites to learn more about Rain Rot:

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